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Saginaw Coun†y Weather
Weather for your area and All of Michigan

N. E. Lower MI
< NW side of Grand Lake
North Central Northern Tip
Pickerel Lake near Alanson
Petoskey/Harbor Springs
Click on to see current live streaming view
US 131 at US 31 Petoskey
Paradise Bay, Beaver Island, MI
Gaylord Area
N. of Gaylord, I 75 Mile Marker 287
Gaylord at M 32
<--- 131 Elmira
I 75 Waters, MI Exit.
Grayling/Kalkaska Area
I 75 Fredrick Exit west side
I 75 Fredrick Exit east side
Downtown Grayling
I 75 Grayling Rest Area --->
Grayling Bus. District
Traverse City Area/NW Lower MI
Bay Front at Traverse City
Cadillac/Manistee/Ludington Area
Houghton Lake/West Branch/Clare Area
I 75 between Houghton Lake and West Branch
I 75 at West Branch at Cook Rd.
Clare Highway Cam
Standish North end
Standish South end
Heading 5
Heading 5
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