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Lightning Density and Strokes in Michigan for 2022

Rosebush, Michigan was Lightning Capital for 2022
Lightning Density and Strokes in Michigan for 2021

Lightning strikes and lightning bolts through the air can be counted. The lightning counts are in, and we can see the lightning capital of Michigan for 2021.
Vaisala owns a lightning detection network across the United States. The sensors are able to count each lightning event over any given point across the U.S. Chris Vagasky, meteorologist at Vaisala, says a lightning event is any cloud-to-ground strike or a through-the-cloud over a location.
Vagasky totaled all of the lightning events over a square mile.
He found the most lightning over a square mile flashed above a stretch from Gratiot and Midland counties through Saginaw and Genesee counties. The “lightning alley” of Michigan for 2021 ended in Oakland County.
In a closer look, Vagasky found the most lightning over a square mile flashed above an area in western Saginaw County. Lightning strikes and cloud-to-cloud flashes counted up to 363 lightning events over Marion Township, about 25 miles southwest of Saginaw. The area is also known as Lakefield.
Lightning Strikes for 2023 in the US.
Lightning Density and Strokes in Michigan for 2020